My hope is that…
We will celebrate this coming month and summer season with great joy and gratitude. While there are always going to be challenges and trials in this broken world, we have so much to be excited about. We have so much to praise God for.
Here are just a few things…
- We have a significant number of high school graduates preparing for the next leg of the race in their life. God has provided hundreds of students for us to disciple. On May 6, we will celebrate and congratulate our graduating seniors and their parents at the 11a service and commission them. What a joy to pray for such gifted and Godly young people who have been naturally and spiritually gifted to go into the world to serve Jesus as they seek to fulfill their divine destiny.
- We have a significant number of parents who have been blessed with babies who will be dedicating themselves to raise their children in the truth of the Gospel. They will make this sacred commitment in all of our services on Mother’s Day, May 13. Not only will they make commitments, but as their church family, we will commit to join them in helping them make disciples of their children.
- The Pregnancy Center will soon be under construction. We are planning and praying that it will be fully functional by the fall. Please be praying for the thousands of women and babies that will be cared for and saved through this ministry. The devil does not want these babies see the light of day. He wants to kill them all. Let’s join together in prayer and ask God for salvation miracles through this ministry. Also, don’t forget the Gift for Life culminates on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 13. Please give a generous gift to a woman that does not yet know she is going to be a mom by helping provide a place of safety, training, and support through our Pregnancy Center.
- This summer, we will be preaching through a series called, Rooted! We will be challenged to live in the fundamentals of what it means to be faithful to God in the name of Jesus through the power of the Spirit in a local church family. There will be 220 people able to go deeper into a “Rooted” experience this fall. You’ll hear more about that this summer. Let me just say that the experience changed my life and the lives of many of our leaders. There will be another opportunity for 220 to have this experience in the spring of 2019, the Lord willing.
I love you all and I pray for you every day. Please pray for me, as I seek to honor the Lord by serving as your pastor. It is truly a great honor to shepherd you. You are such a precious people. The Lord has great things for this church. Pray for His blessing on us.