My hope is that we will once again be captivated by the honor and joy of serving God’s purpose for us. The vision God has given us is to “be a family of disciples sent to make disciples.” Living Hope exists to serve God and to cause Him to be glorified as we lead more people to anchor their life and hope in Jesus. We give God glory by living hopeful and being helpful in order to make disciples.
As the exiles of Babylon were commanded to live on mission, so are we. We are to live in exile on this fallen planet and to join God in the good work He is doing. We are a sent people. We live in and around Bowling Green, Kentucky, by God’s design and for His purpose. While we are here we are to heed God’s command and “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7)
During August, we will be reminded of God’s calling to live hopeful and be helpful. We do this better together. As a family of faith, we have a huge job to do. We are called to Reach 1% of our city by making disciples and being faithful disciples. This month, we will focus on renewing our commitment to accomplish God’s will for us.
During the month of August, I will also be sending you four letters via email. These are things that God has led me to communicate to just our covenant members. We have so many guests and nonbelievers on Sunday. These things I will be writing to you speak specifically to our roles as members of the church. I know you receive a lot of emails so I am alerting you now to be looking for emails from me with the subject line: A LETTER FROM PASTOR JASON.
A few things I would ask you to pray for:
- Pray for God to provide the Worship Pastor we need for the Worship Center
- Pray for God to use us to minister to the college students and the 20-somethings of our city and to disciple them in the hope we have.
- Pray for our children and parents in the Next Generation ministry. The start of school is an important time to establish priorities and there is nothing more important than getting and staying connected in church activities, family devotions, and sharing the Gospel with others.
- Pray for the Pregnancy Center. There are a lot of moving pieces to this: hiring the director and staff, providing facilities, and recruiting and training the volunteers.
One last thing … Don’t forget we will be baptizing at the creek on Sunday, Sept 3. If you would like to make your public profession of faith during this event, you will need to sign up by emailing All baptism conversations with the appropriate ministerial staff must be completed by Aug 13.
Filed under: Connect, Equip, Multiply, Serve, Worship